Archives and references, News, Ongoing projects, Upcoming events…

Faire danser le patrimoine autrement
Initiated in December 2020 to mark the 100th anniversary of birth of the late choreographer emeritus Fenrand Nault, “Faire danser le patrimoine” continues its momentum to experience “autrement” the heritage in dance that has been bequeathed to us.

Graphic novel
The result of five years of research and meticulous work, Mr. Nault tells the extraordinary and underestimated story of a great Quebec artist. This hybrid comic strip, halfway between a documentary and a non-fictional novel, is intended to be a biography that is both simple and touching. Divided into a series of short scenes, the work brings together drawing, photography and archival documents.

Travelling Exhibition
As part of Faire danser le patrimoine, FCFN presents Fernand Nault: une passion, un legs, a multidisciplinary exhibition aimed at highlighting an important artistic heritage, both for Quebec and for Canada.
Photo: Veris leta (détail) Migno ©Claude Wauthier

Historical Interview
Fernand Nault, au cœur de la danse presents the unexpected life course of a determined, exceptional, refined man.
Marie Beaulieu proudly and passionately unveils the artistic journey and the Work of a man of dance: Fernand Nault.

Unearthing… Fernand Nault
As part of Faire danser le patrimoine, the Fonds chorégraphique Fernand Nault invites each and everyone to contribute, in a different way, to bring the artistic heritage of dance to life, to be inspired by it, to celebrate it, to share it.

Dance Heritage Treasure Hunt
Heritage in all its forms represents a treasure made up of multiple elements. Fonds chorégraphique Fernand Nault (FCFN) invites people of all ages to a “Dance Heritage Treasure Hunt (Chasse au trésor du patrimoine de la danse)”.

An artist who has made a significant contribution to the development of Quebec, Canadian and American culture, Fernand Nault has never granted anyone the right to write his biography. No substantial writings representing his career has therefore been published to date.
While wanting to respect his will, the project consists in gathering a series of testimonies from people and personalities who had the privilege of working alongside Fernand Nault, of benefiting from his teachings or of interpreting one or more of his works, of sharing moments of life with him.

Archives and References
You will find in the Archives and References section:
Archival fonds (BAnQ and BDVW)
Photo Gallery

Fonds chorégraphique Fernand Nault wishes to acknowledge the contribution of sponsors, donors, and partners in inspiring current and future generations.